Saturday, April 21, 2007


an elliptical emblem of effluence emits
energy enlightening entirety's expanse;

the ylem yielding the yantra of yogic yoni

elegantly encircles emptiness' existence,
euphorically evolving experience's essence.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Devotion to Motion

if you care to listen
there's this religion;

omnipresent and all powerful,
a spectacle to marvel.
it's mystical, truly inexplicable.

if you care to listen
there's this religion;

a devotion to motion, an
organization of cascading
connections, chain reactions
following the law of attractions.

an adaptive flow, traceable
but unpredictable, watch it go,
follow it from high to low.

the denomination of continuation.
a phenomenon of progression
with precision execution
and the ambition of conviction.

it's a synergy of circuitry
a harmony with authority
a supremacy in secrecy;

we call it energy.

Universe City

Come join me in this Universe
city of complexity, where microcosm’s
macrocosm points to blueprints of stars
association in creation. Transverse
isles of folders packed with papyrus
painting pictures of knowledge,
keeping the circle centered, spinning
true down the path to enlightenment.
Sun, Hell’s fiery habitat sits central
providing God’s light, giving right,
insight, into scholarly education.

Universal admittance fostering
for everything in this space.
Contradictory illusory theories
tumble, giving cycle to circle,
revolution, sparked inferno
memorizing masses, naïve creatures
behaving like moths follow,
never question explanation.
Fueled flame, beacon of light,
burns bright, residue of reason remains—
waiting to be picked apart, dissected.

Study complexity of the galaxy. Interpret
communication’s glow, graceful essence
radiated through wavelengths—
dialectic photon connections prompt
learning laws governing God’s creation,
Universe City.

Journey into Discovery

Explore ambient waves
whimsical vibrations,
whirlwind dimensions
cascading continuous
glow; energy’s essence,
flow. A pilgrimage
perched on progress
promises to restore
rhythmic ripples odyssey:

…Journey into Discovery…

Reflecting Over Phosphorescent Pulses I Experience Power

Rocky soil darts from under me,
into the sea, where water flows mystically.
Its cycle rotating, like the moon circles earth.

Moon reflection of sun’s soul
illuminates seascape below.
Interdependently weaving a fabric of subtle vibrations
permitting interpretation of the view.
Waves crash, eating away at hard, brittle earth.
Impermanence seems to be the answer.

Tumbling through my body aimlessly
blood cells dance to the rhythm of life.
Surging like tides caused by moon’s pull,
my heart mimics the beat of the sea,
creating a symphony……of energy.

Flickering in and out of existence
stars above reveal themselves in a glitter.
Embodying characteristics of fire,
they shine, with no escape from the grasp of galaxies.

Everything is one energy
manifesting itself in infinite ways,
converging on an enduring truth,
life’s end is death…
and death’s end is life

Food is Currency is Me

Viewed as fuzzy, a harmless little caterpillar,
spend your days sucking up what matters to you most,
me, green leafy, money,
but I see past your cute cuddly front, those red, bloodthirsty
eyes repeated down your body don’t lie
about the way you disregard resources,
not even stopping and taking a second to reflect
on your actions, what they mean,
can’t you see
food is currency,
people created, trade, fight, and die for
me because I’m necessary to transform society,
but come, take a taste and see what happens when you eat
me, as I pass through the infirmary of your stomach,
only to become fertilizer supporting the growth
of next years bunch, just as beautiful and purposeful as
me standing here today, propped up by the twigs of reason,
which won’t allow you to stop
me, because I perpetuate myself
through the nature of greed, but I promise
I’m not here to hurt,
only assist in the growth attractive things,
so don’t exploit, rather realize as you chew on
me, the sinew that holds civilization together,
what it is and what it took to create
me: countless lives, time, energy, love,
all human goodness can be found in
me, so don’t abuse or take
me for granted because I aid
metamorphosis and help turn you into
a beautiful butterfly benefiting society,
because, yes, I’m that powerful!

Quest for Knowledge

What is knowledge anyway?

I’ve heard that knowledge is what one knows,
to be right,
to be wrong.

Smartness is knowledge, isn’t it?
Smarts to know what’s truthful,
what’s false.

Wisdom is definitely knowledge!
Wisdom to know what’s honorable or not.

Intelligence is knowledge.
Intellect of correctness.
Intellect of harmfulness.

Knowing is to be
Smart…is to be
Wise…is to be
Intelligent…is to be

Knowledgeable of what?
and where does it come from?

A book…
A teacher…
A tree…
The sky…

Knowledge comes from questioning
and knowing you know no—thing.

I’m confused, shouldn’t I be questioning this poem?

By the way,

What is knowledge anyway?

Dance of Life

Life is a dance.

When you are little
you jump in the middle
of the circle, start dancing how it feels

Growing, struck by
truth you hesitate
at the reality your knowledge is

Memorized by the art
of bodily expression
you keep pushing for the center,

Continue education
in search of the
outcome of wisdom,

Finally, come full
circle, and dance
to the first playful
emotional flow without

You have found…
The beginning is the end,

Life is a Dance.


Egypt is on my head.

Snow tastes like the universe.

A pen fell through eternity
and landed on the table.

Pink Jiggely Jelly Fish!

Do I make your mind fart,
or is it already smelly?

He he he…spirit of a child.

You ask, “Can you help me solve my problems?”
Problems do not exist!

Free yourself from your mind.
It pulls you away from the truth.

Words are signposts, give them no importance.
I tell you nothing I don’t have to.

Your job is to make your mind like the air,
odorless…formless. Use it as a tool.

I teach nothing,
I un-teach.

Seem crazy?…wrap your mind
around a feather.

You think you know,

you know nothing.

Rigidity of mind

meet the flow

View from my garage window facing East

White columns,
line up perpendicular to white wooden blinds
open to welcome light and sight of

towering trees,
evergreen redwoods lining parking lot walls
silhouette the darkening gray sky, and a

silver car,
Honda civic with a spoiler belongs to Kayhan’s friend Eugene
reflects headlights facing North on Denison Avenue, while

poke lilac flowers of purple in my face
climbing the invisible rays descending Earth’s atmosphere, but on

the next day

a couple,
wearing blue rain jackets on Schwin bicycles
pedal towards closing Blockbuster’s doors at the same time

black ravens,
walking on power lines crow into the setting sun
twenty feet above Billy Hersey’s dog Spud standing on

red clay dried in rectangular cubes lay cemented
above the concrete sidewalk running to Wheaton Avenue near

street lights,
yellow glow emitted from Vallco
shopping center travels between two houses while

little Chris and Lindsey roller-blade holding hockey sticks
shouting at the Puchinnelli family children during Street Cup four coupled with

of nearby cars on I280 and a fire truck’s siren screaming as it travels down Stevens Creek
headed for Cupertino High School, the home of the mighty Pioneers.

Ill-Fated Sneakers

Up and down the coastal ridge on natural tracks,
in and out of a modest gray house countless times,
with me at night, door closed and listening.
Oh, if you could speak, everyone would listen.

Now slit at the heels like the cow cut at the throat
you yearn to be put out of your misery.
Pale and ruffled, your black hide begs for forgiveness.
Bite marks cause the stitching that gave you strength to fall apart.
Accumulating, these episodes add up rendering you useless.

I will remember you.

On your lucky days I plunged my feet into you,
transforming your limp appearance into a lively, yet hypnotic
dance. No more feet will enter your world, your purpose
now fulfilled, like the dull needle that plunged
through your hide, giving you the strength to hold on tight.

You lived a long and purposeful life,
gave birth to an overflow of emotions.
I hold you over the garbage, about to lay you down
in the place where all other goods go that have served
their purpose, where you will lie rotting in the background of our lives,
forgotten physically, but remembered through what we’ve achieved.

Cloudy Senses

I can’t see you through this smoke
clouding my senses.
Your loving intensions
struggle to get through.
Glimpses of beauty keep me interested,
only for the mask to return.
Hypnotizing, rising smoke grows until it hits me,
persistently gnawing at my nose.
Swimming through the ripples,
continuous blur clouds my senses.
Unclear, your carefully light words
linger, trying to be felt.
Outweighed they are bogged down
where nobody discovers them,
trampled repeatedly, deconstructing
form and meaning.
Now I see
it’s too late, I negate the ashed truth,
only to rekindle,
rekindle, the fire,
the fire, of life,
the fire, which started this whole haze. - a place for my poetry

I'll start posting my poetry to this blog since it's probably the best way for me to share it.

Let's start by posting some older poems.

Enjoy. =D